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We are committed to ensuring our clients’ overall financial well- being



Broad Based Planning Fees

This fee ultimately depends on the level of complexity of your unique financial situation and needs. Our cost varies, but in the least - complex situations, the initial year fee may be $2,500 with subsequent years at $1,000 to $2,000. As to more complex situations, the initial fee may be $3,500 with subsequent years at $2,000 - $15,500.

Modular Project Based Fees

For less complicated projects that are limited in scope, the fees are likely to be between $750 and $4,500.

Hourly Fees:

You may retain professional guidance on an hourly basis at a rate of $250 per hour with a minimum of three (3) hours.

Connect with Us


604 Cardinal Drive Pulaski, VA 24301




(540) 980-7118